
Christin Hu




Spitzer School of Architecture (SSA), B.Arch



—Christin Hu


01 / 景观桌游的设计框架

Landscape Board Game Framework



█  你本人是桌游的超级粉丝吗?为什么会选择“景观游戏” 作为毕业设计的主题?这是一个令人震惊的毕设主题吗?

Are you a super big fan of tabletop games? How did you pick the topic of Landscape Game for your thesis at GSD? Is this the most outrageous thesis topic ever?


C:我的确非常喜欢桌游, 因为许多桌游都需要协同合作,而我也很享受跟同伴一起获胜的快乐。选择这个主题作为毕业设计是出于众多因素的综合考虑,包含我对游戏本身的兴趣,也包含想要发展潜在的参与性实践的想法以及我在当地城市农场的志愿经历。这的确是一个独特的主题,但这并不是第一次有人想要通过游戏的方式来完成毕业设计。我认为这个项目的独特之处在于,它将设计关系贯穿于整个项目过程与方法中,类似于玩家在游戏当中所做的。因此,已有一些关于公共建筑项目和城市规划的游戏,但没有什么能比 “景观游戏”更能在景观建筑领域独树一帜的了!







Yes, I enjoy board games a lot! Many board games are cooperative, and I like winning together. The topic of my thesis project came from a mix of things including my interest in games, but also the potential of expanding participatory design practices, and my ongoing volunteer work at a local urban farm. The design of a “landscape game” is definitely a unique thesis. But it’s not the first time anyone has ever done a game for his/her thesis project. I think what’s special about this project is that it embeds designing relationships throughout its process and methodology, similar to what players do in the game itself. While there are many “games” that are typically supplemental to public architecture projects and urban planning, there was not anything quite like a “landscape game,” which makes it unique in the landscape architecture department.


On the other hand, I do not think it’s an outrageous thesis topic for me, as I have been interested in games ever since grade school. It actually helped me to figure out what I enjoy doing and what I would like to do as a designer. Throughout the process, I felt like it just made sense because it was really a combination of prior volunteer experience at the urban farm, plus meeting other people who really like games, plus actually playing those games. I also got a lot of encouragement from my advisor during my semester!


█  您是在何时产生了这种用游戏来促进公众参与的想法?您的课题研究是否有受到与桌游相关的经历、课程或书籍的影响?

At what point did you come up with the idea of using games as a way to get the public involved? Are there any experiences/courses/books related to tabletop games that influenced your research?


C:大概是在哈佛大学设计学院开学不久之后,那时我也同时开始在Haley House Thornton Street城市农场和社区花园进行志愿服务。在那里,我结识了在城市农场工作的人们,发现他们也玩桌游,那也是我第一次接触并开始玩“龙与地下城”这个游戏。从那时起,我开始筹划名为Relate的游戏,其中借鉴了许多我接触过的游戏。在各种游戏类型中,我最喜欢的是合作游戏,因为合作游戏可以让我和家人朋友一起玩并实现共同的目标。我认为正是这些游戏里某些机制上的力量,让我决定将他们运用到我的毕业设计中。









关于书籍的话,有一本Josh Lerner写的《使民主变得有趣》的书非常不错。这本书介绍了游戏可以对我们做决策的过程产生影响。可以说,一个人在玩游戏时要做决定,跟在做设计的过程中要做决定,本质上是一样的。





It was probably a little bit after I started at the GSD and started volunteering for the Haley House Thornton Street Urban Farm & Community Gardens. At that point I was able to meet people at the urban farm and people there also played games. It was actually my first time playing Dungeons & Dragons at that time. Starting from there, I started to think about the game, called Relate. It draws from a number of other games that I’ve encountered. I like cooperative games the most, which can be played with families and friends towards a shared goal. I think it was really this strength of certain game mechanics that made me decide to include them in the project.


During my thesis semester, I took one game design class, Design, and Development of Games for Learning at MIT ( that really made an impact on my thesis project. The class was game design specific, so I had a chance to read a lot of literature related to educational games. That's where I started to pick up things like certain values or aspects that people think about when they're designing educational games.


Another related experience was actually running a game club with my friends, Nick, Savannah, Colin, and Aysha, called Game!GSD. We essentially plan game nights at the GSD and just play and talk about games. We were able to meet other people in different departments who worked on game designs for their theses, and playtest other people's thesis projects. It was a chance for us to totally nerd out over game mechanics, as well as learn from existing games.


For books, there is one called Making Democracy Fun by Josh Lerner. It’s a really good book about how games can be impactful during decision-making processes. You’re essentially making decisions when you play games, which is also true of the design process.


█  你讲到了你的许多志愿经历,可以和我们谈一下在整个毕业设计过程中这些经历是如何帮助你的?

As you mentioned a lot about your volunteering experience, could you talk a little bit more about how it helped you during the process?


C:在我整个毕业设计的项目周期中,在Thornton Street农场的经历都对我至关重要,不仅仅是因为我的游戏就是为在那里的人而设计,更重要的是,他们对教育类游戏有着批判性的思考,激励着我完成这个项目。而且我发现不论是在农场玩游戏,探讨设计还是做志愿服务,我都更愿意与人交流。


最初的游戏由很多元素组成,例如景观卡,并且受到了Thornton Street城市农场中诸多方面的影响。可以说,我的经历与项目过程之间的关系类似于画静物,都需要有一个具体的生活场景。如果没有这个场景,这个项目就不会存在。












The volunteering experience at Thornton Street Farm was really important to me during my thesis, not only because they were essentially the people I was designing the game for, but also because they were the people who really helped motivate me to do the project. They think critically about educational games, and I found out that when I play games and talk about design as well as volunteer at the farm, I'm more open to talking to anyone.


The initial game has a lot of elements like landscape cards and was influenced by aspects that you would find on an urban farm. The connection between my experience and the project process is sort of similar to doing a still life drawing that needs to have a context – the “life.” Without that, the project would not exist.


It was also important for me to work at the urban farm and be a part of the community. It helped to start the project at the urban farm and gradually incorporate elements into the game beyond that. I tried to keep the components general enough so they can be applied to different types of projects, but they also had to be specific enough so that people can relate to them. I went to the farm at least once a month during the growing season, so it allowed me to be in touch with the landscape differently than purely learning from books. There was actually another organization next to the farm, the Hawthorne Youth and Community Center, where I was also able to playtest the game with the neighbors as young as eight years old.


█  设计游戏和做设计项目最大的区别在哪?过程中有遇到一些挑战或者困难吗?

What is the big difference between designing a game and doing a design project? Any challenges or difficulties?














I think what’s different about an academic project as opposed to a tabletop game design is the real connection to people, particularly the future users. Many thesis design projects remain speculative and untested with hypothetical clients or communities that are rarely partnered with – they stop at the proposal phase. The challenge, and the fun part, of the game, was the playtesting with real community members, integrating unpredictable feedback, and constantly iterating. In game design, you need players to actually play the game. It’s a totally different perspective compared to the typical top-down architecture process, and it is just about being on the ground, like touching the soil and planting squash. So, it helps me think realistically, like what people actually need when they design a shared community garden.


One of the biggest challenges of this project is the fact I had to test the game and it had to work. Whereas when you design a school project as a hypothetical landscape project, you don't need to necessarily test it out and build that landscape. It was definitely a challenge, but it was also part of the fun because I got to play the game with people. I would say it was really difficult to just make sure that I had the right resources. There was actually a lot of set up behind the meetings and the playtests that I did. For example, I had to prepare a list of questions and be very intentional about what type of feedback I wanted for that particular iteration in addition to setting up recording equipment.


I think it was particularly difficult because it was over the course of just one semester. I did one iteration in between each of the 10 playtesting sessions. It's almost like doing 10 mini-projects in a certain way. It was definitely challenging in that aspect, but a fun challenge.


█  你还保存着之前所有版本的游戏卡片吗?第一个版本是怎样的?

Do you still have cards for all those versions? What did the first version look like?




Yes, I do keep all the versions at my home back in New York. The first version had huge, sketchy, black and white cards. I have a bunch of videos pertaining to my thesis project. Between each generation, I changed the structure of the game itself a lot on top of the cards themselves, from hexagons to squares to rectangles. I would say that the graphics probably could have changed more throughout the process.


█  在你的游戏设计当中,游戏结构和视觉设计哪个更重要?

Which one do you think is most important in your game design, structure or graphics?






我现在正在通过Patreon (开发的版本试图更具批判性的去考量游戏的视觉设计,因为我认为易于理解视觉设计对游戏而言至关重要。另外,我很喜欢思考视觉设计的原理:游戏卡片不可太粗糙,但也不必太机械。所以我试图在两者中寻找一个平衡。






I would say they are both important. In fact, during the process, I was prioritizing more on how the game would work rather than the graphics of the game. But looking back at the critique I received from my professors and other instructors during reviews, I realized that I could have pushed more on the graphic aspect of the game.


The version I am developing now through my Patreon ( is really trying to consider graphics more critically, as I think it is crucial to have understandable graphics. Also, I enjoy thinking about how certain graphics work: the cards don’t have to be so sketchy, but it doesn't have to be so mechanical either. I am trying to find a balance in between.


This actually reminds me of my thesis project in architecture school at CUNY City College, which involved a lot of discovering of myself about how to draw and how I wanted to draw personally. I was more intentional about what I was putting on the paper as a visual cue at that time. I think for this landscape game project, I am trying to find the right balance of text, icons, and drawings to accurately convey the experience of the designed landscape using game cards. It’s similar to artists trying to convey their artistic ideas to their audiences or architects incorporating a design standard for accessibility with the other elements of a project. All small details matter as well in my landscape game design.


█  你是否有考虑过将这款桌式游戏产品化?

Have you ever thought about introducing this tabletop game to the market?








Yes, that’s the hope. And I am currently working on it. The next step would probably be a free version through Patreon, then a Kickstarter project, which eventually will be a fancier version that people can purchase. I hope the first few versions will be easily printed at home using simple black and white printers and letter size paper. This helps to reach broader audiences and get a lot of feedback. Through this process, I have to get to know who my audiences are.


And for now, because I am getting paid at a day job, I haven’t expected this game to be a business model yet. But for future marketing, I am imagining landscape architects, architects, city governments, or schools may be interested in this game for both educational and design purposes and would potentially invest in this game. I would probably also need a full-time team working on it.



For now, I would like to get a little bit more experience in the field of landscape architecture. In fact, in my current job, the public meetings that I attend help me to understand how my game will work more realistically. I need some time to get to know and learn more about myself and also find the right team to work on the project. But eventually, I will work fulltime on it and be able to pay for the team. That’s my goal.


█  有没有考虑过将这款游戏做成移动应用程序APP,以便更多人可以更方便的参与到游戏当中?

Will you put this landscape game as a mobile app on the market so that more people can play without buying the cards or print at home?









I don’t think I will do so...yet. During my thesis semester, I used a lot of paper for this project. The whole process was actually pretty wasteful. So, I was thinking of how to be more sensitive in a way to protect our environment. But I’d like people to have face to face interactions when they play the game. Though there are games people can play together on their phone while also being in the same room, the physicality of the game will make it more accessible. It’s more important to be present with family and friends and interact with one other physically, instead of playing games together but looking at phones most of the time.


Many decisions are still made during face-to-face meetings, and you wouldn’t look at your phones when you are in a meeting with a public agency trying to make a very important decision about parks or something. Face-to-face interaction is really important to me, which is the most important reason why I would like to keep the game in a physical form. But I am not saying it cannot be digital. I think the digital version should have a different purpose compared to the physical version. While the physical one involves more decision-making power and design, the digital could be more about research and addressing the technical challenges of a project requiring complex calculations or visuals.


█  你曾经有做过类似的游戏设计项目?

Have you ever had similar projects like designing games?




I don't think so. It was the first time that I designed an actual game. But I remember when I was in architecture school, I took one course called Food and Architecture. It was an interesting class because each group needed to present a different food or communicate a certain idea to the class every week. Essentially, it was more like an exercise trying to put a workshop together. That, I think, was related to designing a game, but it was not a full game project.



02 / 景观桌游鼓励观众参与设计

Landscape Board Game

help the public involved in the design process



█   公众如何通过此款游戏与景观设计师合作,参与设计?

How can the public collaborate with landscape designers by using this game?






The game is meant to be printed and played at home. By providing a way for families to think about the design of their shared landscapes at their own convenience allows for more opportunities for people to initiate impactful conversations with landscape professionals and local community leaders. What remains is a specific platform for people to contact their local designers with the outcomes of their games, of which I can imagine ASLA chapters or city governments playing a part.


█   与建筑相比,景观建筑是否是帮助改善和设计公共空间更有力的方式?

Do you consider landscape architecture as a more powerful tool than architecture to help change and design the public areas?











I worked one year in architecture after finishing architecture school. Looking back at my personal experience, I would probably say yes. Landscape architects intuitively have the power to change and design public spaces by virtue of its focus on outdoor spaces. This aspect, in addition to the increasing conversations around systems thinking and environmental impact, puts landscape architects at the nexus of current design challenges. Part of the reason why I went to study landscape architecture after working was that I started to see more potential for working on public projects and with more people in a collaborative process.


If you think about the origins of the profession, say in history class, landscape architecture started out as a public project. Related literature talks more about the experience of outdoor spaces, where everybody shares them. From my personal perspective, there will be more private commissions in architecture, like for wealthy clients for some high-end residential projects. Most of the time in the architecture field, it’s difficult to be publicly oriented unless you work for a public agency, but I don’t mean that architecture firms do not do public work or think about public spaces. It is just less intuitive compared to landscape projects.


I should say that my working experience was just one step towards helping me think about public work. It’s more of my own prior interests that led me to apply to a landscape architecture program afterward. Even though I was born and raised in New York City, which has lots of great (and not so great) architecture, I would feel driven to go hiking to be in the mountains and forests. More recently I’ve been drawn to urban farms and gardens. That’s what people usually think about when they think about landscape. However, I also started to think about landscape as an indicator of the relationships we have with one another, with plants and animals, and the soil—beyond a singular project—which may not be what people typically think about. So I think, in terms of pursuing public work, it’s a different choice for everyone. It depends on who or what you consider to be “the public” or “public” in landscape architecture and architecture, and where you see yourself as a designer in relation to these practices and the real work behind them.


█   你如何看待景观游戏将作为一个有效途径让公众产生改善环境的个人责任感?景观游戏能够作为一种教育方式,让人们更有责任感?

How do you think landscape games will be an effective way for the public to feel responsible for changing our environment? Do you consider landscape games as an educational tool to make people feel more responsible?







Landscape games are not meant to divert professional responsibility, nor to convince people who don’t care about their environment to suddenly feel responsible (although that may happen). They are meant as tools for people who do care, to better support them towards implementing changes in a sensitive way.



03 / 对景观学生的建议

Suggestions for Landscape Students



█   对于ASLA学生奖,作品的图面表达是否很重要?

Do you think the graphics of the project also matters for the award?




Yes, I think so. My award category is a little bit different and I had videos or physical game pieces to communicate my ideas. But I do know some friends who redraw their work for the submission. Speaking of graphics, I think it’s helpful to have different types. It’s actually similar to how you would structure your portfolio, including abstract diagrams, very detailed drawings, and photos of physical prototypes.


█   对有兴趣申请ASLA学生奖的同学,有什么建议吗?

For students who are interested in applying for the ASLA awards, do you have any suggestions or tips for them?










One aspect that might be helpful in terms of the awards is selecting the right category. I submitted in the communication category instead of the design project because it was more about communicating what landscape is and what it could be. They are in fact adding more categories this year, I think. But first of all, it’s really important to find a particular topic or project that you really care about—your interest will drive you to do well on that project, and you will have all of the material (your hard work!) you need for your submission.


When I submitted for this award, it was actually the day of my thesis presentation, which was kind of stressful. The good thing was that I had already put all the investment into the project for my thesis. I had all the work done already. All I needed to do was submit it. It’s really just about working on something you enjoy and genuinely value.


A small tip that might be useful for submitting the work is actually putting together the writing part gradually over the course of your project. The award requires a good amount of text—I wrote about 1500 words—to explain the project. It’s a statement of your project and how you would like to communicate with other designers its importance. I would work on writing a lot, which has personally always been important to me. While at GSD, I was an academic writing tutor and worked in the library. I was surrounded by writing a lot and I feel like it’s always crucial to articulate your ideas besides doing a really good project.


Another helpful tip may be to submit supplements. They have an optional supplement choice, for which I sent a physical copy of the game I designed. I also submitted all the links to the videos that I produced. Using multi-media is a helpful way for people to see your project from different perspectives. So, if there’s the option for a supplement, definitely submit it!


█   对跨专业话题感兴趣的同学,你有什么建议吗?

Do you have suggestions for people who're interested in cross-major topics?






有三本书对我当时的跨界设计非常有帮助,作者是Austin Kleon,书名是《像艺术家一样剽窃》、《展示你的作品》以及《继续前进》。他们都是自我激励的图画书。我也会时常更新个人网站上的阅读清单(,阅读大量书籍有助于我了解跨学科话题。




If you are interested in doing something that is not or doesn't seem like it's specifically architecture. I would take a class, like in the MIT education department, for example, and I wouldn't wait until the thesis semester to do so. For some classes that were full, I simply just went and asked the professor if I could sit in the lecture. I was able to participate in one course that I felt was really important for my landscape architecture study by asking because I only had two years at GSD and not many electives. So if you genuinely want to learn something, just go and the professor will definitely say yes.


Taking those classes allowed me to be surrounded by people interested in different topics, and participate in a lot of events that were run by different student groups. People usually come from different backgrounds and have various concentrations, which helps me get to know the multiple aspects of various subjects. You can also talk to the professor who is teaching the class and ask for the syllabus and what the readings are. Getting resources is always helpful.


There are three books that I think are pretty helpful. Steal Like an Artist, Show Your Work and Keep Going by Austin Kleon. They are like self-motivation graphic books. I also have a reading list ( on my personal website, which I try to keep updated. I think it’s pretty helpful to help understand cross-major topics.


People are going to find meanings in different things. Like the way  I define landscape might be different from other people. You really want to find things that matter most to you. Sometimes it takes some time, like getting settled after moving to a different country or city. Deep down, when given the time and space—and peace of mind—you will find what you really care about, and it will likely be a web of many topics—all of which are connected to you.

访谈|马元鸣 Yuanming Ma, 栗茜 Sherry Li

文案/翻译|马元鸣 Yuanming Ma

校对|栗茜 Sherry Li,Yuxin Pan,鑫然 Sara Li




