彦思·库|Jens Kump
德国HPP建筑事务所 合伙人
HPP Partner
ArchiDogs x CADE2020
CADE建筑设计博览会以“助力建筑师实现自我表达”为宗旨,是亚太区首个专注打造高端建筑系统解决方案与高品质建筑师交流平台为宗旨的平台。创办于2014年的BCC国际建筑科技大会(BAU Congress China),作为CADE建筑设计博览会的重要同期活动之一,定位于“交流全球先进建筑理念和案例”,在中国乃至亚洲建筑设计界享有盛誉。6年来,来自全球几十个国家的近150位全球顶尖设计大师齐聚在BCC上进行最新建筑理念的碰撞和探讨。为中国建筑业面临的建筑质量、节能、可持续性发展、城市改造等诸多问题提供全新思路。
Jens Kump at HPP
█ 您最初在德国办公室工作,怎样的契机下选择来到中国,在上海创建HPP在中国的第一个分公司?
J:我上中学时,中国一直是西方世界关注的焦点, 我个人也对中国充满了好奇。HPP早期做的世博村是一个非常具有挑战性的项目,当时我被它的效果图所惊艳,于是在2006年决定来中国实地参与该项目。那个时期,HPP在中国建设中的还有另外两个项目——青浦皇冠假日酒店和汉高亚太总部。正因为这三个项目,HPP在中国的第一个分公司应运而生,落地上海。
In what opportunity and situation did you decide to come to China to set up the first office in Shanghai?
J:Personally, I was curious about China because it was the focus of interest in the western world when I was in my secondary school education already. What was calling me kind of was the design of the Expo Villages in 2005 and 2006.
When I saw the renderings, I was so fascinated that I decided to come to China to help plan the project. The Expo Village was a very challenging project. At that moment, we were also working on two other projects, the Qingpu Crowne Plaza Hotel and the Henkel Headquarter Asia Pacific. At that time, the partnership made the decision to come here and establish a permanent team. We came with three people from Germany to China, including me.
█ 从德国到中国,在多年的实践过程中,您是如何带领团队实现跨文化的设计实践?
事实上,我发现与我们的业主可以更专业地解决问题,他们更具前瞻性。有时候,业主喜欢尝试和挑战新想法, 我们也愿意为其提供更多的选择。
HPP上海办公室模型展示 ©CADE
Do you found any challenges in terms of leading a team with cultural differences between colleagues? And how do you overcome it? How do you lead the design practice in Chinese culture?
J:We must have a certain curiosity about each other and have an open mind to overcome certain problems if there are any problems. Clients find us exotic and are curious about our straightforward thinking about our design. In the end, it is not about if you have a longer face or blue eyes, it's about then how you distribute your service to local clients who were at the beginning curious about you, but at the end want a fluent service. That's why we integrate our foreign thinking into Chinese culture. In China, we are depending very much on each other and that brings us very close to each other.
I observe that the clients working with us are nowadays much more professional, forward-thinking. Still, clients like to try new ideas. And we are in that service attitude of making extra rounds and options.
█ 如何将德国设计理念(比如:德国制造Made In Germany严谨、技术等风格)结合中国地域特点、传统文化与大众审美?
How to combine the German design method (made in Germany, preciseness, cutting edge technologies, etc.) to the domestic Chinese features, local cultures, and popular aesthetic?
J:What you just described as German, I always thought it is very “Chinese”. So we are very much alike, and we combine quite well with each other. I like the engineering spirit of both. Somehow this mindset is having a similarity. There is a healthy balance. We like to bring our ideas, roots, and behavior to the team.
Jen在HPP上海办公室采访现场 ©CADE
Global Practice - From Germany to China
█ HPP在全球范围内有各种规模的项目,是否存在某种特定的设计风格?
我们希望成为现代建筑设计的一流品牌,也在不断挑战与创新。例如,我们使用竹子这种在欧洲完全不为人所知的材料,也会尝试在欧洲孕育并推动新建筑哲学“Cradle to Cradle” (从摇篮到摇篮)计划——在建造中考虑建筑的一些基本部件和结构元素可以在若干年后重复使用,并不对环境造成任何污染。我们也相信在中国,未来十年,建筑的全生命周期将是一个非常有趣的话题。
HPP 2020
左起: Joachim H. Faust, Gerhard G. Feldmeyer, Volker Weuthen, Werner Sübai, Remigiusz Otrzonsek, Burkhard Junker, Claudia Berger-Koch, 余炜, Jens Kump
HPP has a lot of projects all over the world in different scales and programs. Are there any specific HPP design principles or styles that would present in those projects?
J: You will find us proud that there are no elements from us that will be repeated or redone. We enjoy creating quality for individual clients in individual circumstances. Tailor-made. Without any dogmatic background, we are partner organizations of around 17 active partners exchanging their knowledge, exchanging their ideas, and influencing tastes.
We want to serve in the first line of modern nowadays architecture. We like to take first-time challenges. For example, we liked to prototype buildings made of bamboo, a totally unknown material to Europe. We like the new philosophy in Europe called “Cradle to Cradle”, which means that some of the elementary parts and structural elements of buildings can be reused. We also think it might be a very interesting topic in China to think about the whole life span as human life in the next few decades.
█ 在设计过程中,HPP如何在项目的概念性与可实施性中找到平衡点?中国业主通常会带给建筑师非常实际现实的诉求。您如何推销更加可持续化的建造策略,使业主愿意接受?
During the design process, how does HPP balance between concept and feasibility? Clients and positional Chinese clients when they approach architect, they often have very practical demands and practical needs for a building, how do you push the boundary and encourage them to consider to be more sustainable?
J:We like to know clients' demands. This is a part of the architecture service. We are not building for ourselves but building for society. We're building for people who have certain needs, and we want to filter out and meet their needs to help them give birth to a useful infrastructure piece—a beautiful piece of real estate. So, I would not say that we are selling those ideas. And we would like interested clients to benefit from our experience.
█ 许多中国的项目都是通过竞赛竞标获得的,HPP如何常常能拿出一击必中的方案?在方案策划阶段,HPP会最关心哪一方面的把控和表达?
J:我是不会告诉你我们的“秘密” 的(笑)。我认为最好的设计是能够完美契合功能的,我们通过功能分析,试图让功能走到前台,成为建筑设计的本质。如果这种方式行之有效且富有诗意,那么它已经足够强大和富有故事性。当然,我们也希望从审美角度探索各式各样优美的建筑形式, 但是永远不会忘记功能的关键性——这才是建筑的灵魂。
Many Chinese projects require to participate in the bidding and competition process, what are HPP’ secrete to keep winning the client’s heart? Is there any particular emphasis HPP would pay attention to during each competition challenges? Can you share some experience and lessons you think is worth sharing?
J:The strongest design point is if you fit exactly to the function. We have a lot of functional analysis. We try to let the function come to the foreground and be the essence of the design and architecture. If this works well and works poetically, it is already strong and storytelling. Of course, we also like to play with forms in an aesthetic way, but never forget the key to functionality. That should be the soul of every building.
█ HPP在上海有两个体育场馆类项目, 在欧洲也有比较成熟的该类型项目的设计经验。在为中国体育场馆设计的过程中, 有哪些独特的需求和体验? 如何处理设计中的挑战?
上海浦东足球场 ©HPP
We noticed HPP has already had two sports stadium-related projects in Shanghai, and HPP has a quite lot of experience to design such types of projects in Europe. In your experiences, what are the different needs and expectations that are unique to the Chinese project? And how does HPP handle these unique challenges?
J:Yes. If we talk about the sports stadium soccer arena specifically, we have served around 10 of the main soccer clubs in Germany and Poland. Soccer clubs have a long story. They start maybe in a very simple way. And they build over decades larger and larger stadiums. A stadium is an organism in Germany.
Few stadiums in Germany are like a unity building in China. Sports stadiums here are quicker built, and sometimes even without a soccer club involved or a soccer club existing, just as a symbol, piece of the stadium. But it sometimes has the problem that there's no decision-maker. So, we need to anticipate, based on our experiences, what are the user’s needs as well as the needs of the city when it later is in full operation. So that is the difference of between investors and owners of the stadium, investor of China may not have a hundred percent related to the soccer operation, therefore we are glad we have enough experience to be the bridge between the anticipated needs and the decision-makers’ vision, in order to make decisions suitable for activities that will happen in a few years later.
█ 在湖南广播电视台节目基地项目中,HPP如何为不断变换搭建拍摄舞台、对空间有不同需求的业主设计一个永久性的建筑空间?表达了怎样的一种设计理念?
湖南广播电视台节目基地 ©HPP
We are particularly interested in your recent work for the Hunan Broadcasting System TV Program production headquarters. What kind of challenges you may have been experienced in designing a permanent architecture for users that will constantly construct impermanent show stages that will always have different space needs? Are there any differences from typical architectural design? What kind of concept and architects’ understanding does HPP want to express throughout its design?
J: It's a long story. Many people involved with professional input knew this would be a long project under construction. We knew it will always be a changing project because TV production is changing. Every few years involvement of spectators, the integration of the audience is an uncertain factor 10 years ahead. The six sound stages need to be ready to adapt to future user behavior, future integration. So, they are designed as very flexible cubes that are easy to be changed and to be organized from the backside stage. On the outside, the observer, the visitors will have notable access to the inside of this project, by using the topography of the site, it let the visitor travel along a ceremonial way uphill to a final stage where they may imagine like movie stars themselves for a moment.
That is a constructed experience for visitors to enter the building. And there's a very definite sequential experience. The key is that this building is made to be visited on the television production without disturbing the profession to the production. So, people have a glimpse into the production , looking at the famous stars from the observer's point of view and being a star for a moment. This is the experience that why we gave the space a relatively simple and easy, understandable, and easy organizable way uphill to a ceremony of the plaza at the end.
█ 在这个项目中,是否想要通过建筑的外形和布局来表达某种理念?例如方盒子的造型,逐渐迎坡上升的总体布局?
Is there a certain idea or concept that wants to express through the form of this architecture, like the cube and the transaction of a building raising through the hill?
J: Yes, this is respecting the pure reality of a smooth hill that is easy to climb. Walking up hills is a very ceremonial and respectful way to approach a destination to reach physically. The highest point of emotion owns the best view. We would utilize it in a relatively direct way. So there's not an architecture trick.
█ 在中国进行实践的外国咨询公司需要与当地的设计院合作,HPP是如何与他们合作并确保项目执行的完整性和控制力?
As the foreign consults doing practice in China, because of certain limitations, they often have to work with a local design agent. Does HPP do that? And how do you collaborate with them and ensure the integrity and control of the private project execution?
J: There is no choice. There are the rules of Chinese tendering. The foreign design companies are limited to the concept and partly development design. After the design process, it depends very much on the contract situation. We cooperate with a local design institute. We like that and depend on each other.
█ HPP是否有机会在项目进程中被业主授予更高的领导力和话语权,从而更好的掌控施工质量和最终成果?
Have you had the opportunity that you might be able to be hired by clients at a higher level of supervision with a voice or has some leadership, more realistic, and practical leadership that can oversee the construction quality?
J: We have done it for German clients in Shanghai. The German clients who know exactly what they will get from us and what they need during construction and quality decisions. So they contracted us for these phases more intensively. Clients who are located close to our office, for example, in Shanghai or Shenzhen, or Beijing, where it is realistic that we are going every day to the sites giving everyday service. So, this is easier to control the quality of a project.
█ 此次大会中,数字化设计现在是比较热门的话题,它通过技术手段来做更精细化控制,HPP在德国有专门的BIM设计团队和相关案例实践,目前BIM技术在项目实践中能起到什么作用?
Digital design is a hot topic now. It can be controlled more precisely through technical mode. We know that HPP has a dedicated BIM design team and relevant projects practice in Germany. How do they help in project practice by BIM Technology at present?
J:In China, this is a topic that is about to rise. And it also is coming into our office. We have the first teaching lessons from our more sophisticated colleagues in Germany bring in the HPP BIM standard into teams that are curious and engaged in making BIM projects in China. It's a similar situation like ten years ago in Germany that everybody was talking about BIM. HPP Germany already decided to do more projects with the new technology.
█ 在业主可能都不理解甚至没有意识到BIM的意义时,它是如何帮助设计团队在许多方面实现效率与价值?
湖南广播电视台节目基地 在建照片,摄影:Andy Ren
How does it help you for more help your team found it more efficient or helpful in many ways? Even clients, probably Chinese clients, as you say, don't want it or don't understand or even realize you're doing now.
J: But they will. And all members, from the client to architect to the construction company, may need it in the future. This is a fragile point, is the bottleneck if one of the groups of planners is not jumping on that train together with the others, this will make the whole process much less efficient, less beneficial as it could be if consequently, every plan needs to follow the same rules, the same discipline. There's a transition time, so they have to go through this episode and educate, teach, or be generous with the other not hundred percent participating team members.
█ 如何看待程序和人工智能辅助建筑设计的趋势?它如何更好的与建筑师的专业实践结合?
What do you think of the trend of design-oriented software and artificial intellectual helping design? And do you see it has certain practical values and could sometimes be integrated with our perfect professional practice?
J:Our team, myself, we are curious about it. But we are also realistic and we enjoy building for reality. And there will always be the interface, the human interface, that also needs to be cared about and perfect. From my point of view, it's not enough that we have a computer-generated plan. This abstract thing also needs to be integrated into our lives. It must be in a sophisticated way transformed from the reality of terrain, the reality of ability, into a complex shape. So this interface is also the weak point because this interface is made just by humans. And it depends on the talents of these humans. And with the interface, I would grate certain human elements in the design process can't really be replaced yet by computers or machines.
█ HPP 已经是第二次参与到CADE 建筑设计博览会了,对今年HPP 参与到CADE 建筑设计博览会,有什么样的期待?
J:我希望有更多互动交流,因为这对于演讲者来说是一件有趣的事情。要求你必须做好准备,有足够的知识积累和智慧, 构建自己的知识体系来应对各种各样的问题。但是好在这一切都将发生在演讲之后。
This is the 2nd time HPP participated in CADE,what are the impression and expectations for participating in the CADE2020?
J:I'm very curious about the exchange. I hope that there will be many questions been put forward because this is an interesting thing for somebody who goes to the stage. You have to prepare yourself, accumulate knowledge, and filter your wisdom, structure, and your input. But the nice thing is it happens after the presentation in dialogue.
制高点达228米的全能综合体 ©HPP
上海浦东足球场 ©HPP
浦东足球场在建照片,摄影师 张虔希
█ 作为BCC 国际建筑科技大会的演讲嘉宾,您将与大家分享什么主题?
As a speaker of BAU Congress China 2020,what topics will you share with the audience?
J:It is called “complexity” design. We might show about FOUR Frankfurt and Pudong Soccer Arena that is still under construction. We will share our experience from the complex projects in terms of digital design and complex feature design.
访谈|Joya Deng,Jason Yu
文案|Chaoyue Zhang
编辑|Yannie, Yuxin
主编|Sherry Li